Pokémon Mythology
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Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Pikalove

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Pokémon Mythology
Olá, visitante! Você pode aproveitar mais o fórum se conectando ou registrando!

Conte uma história, poste uma arte ou um vídeo! Confira os guias de jogos, tire suas dúvidas e compartilhe sua jogatina. Disputa batalhas online com jogadores e participe dos RPGs. Converse sobre qualquer coisa, poste memes, faça novos amigos!
Seja bem-vindo!

Aproveite e entre em nosso Discord está na barra de menu!

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Pikalove
Pokémon Mythology
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Descubra seu "tipo" gamer.

Guilherme Totoli
19 participantes

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Mensagem por Lolzer Qua 22 Set 2010 - 17:01

Link: http://survey.ihobo.com/BrainHex/

O meu:

Your BrainHex Class is Conqueror.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Conqueror-Mastermind.

You like defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players as well as solving puzzles and devising strategies.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Wonder: You dislike being asked to search for things, preferring clearly defined tasks.
» No Commitment: You dislike being asked to complete everything, preferring to pick and choose which tasks you will attempt, or simply messing around with a game.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Conqueror: 18
Mastermind: 12
Socialiser: 9
Daredevil: 6
Survivor: 4
Seeker: 0
Achiever: -4

Masculino Idade : 28
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Data de inscrição : 16/07/2009

Frase pessoal : Mods are asleep, let's post ponies!

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Mensagem por Caio. Qua 22 Set 2010 - 17:09

Your BrainHex Class is Achiever.

Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Achiever-Socialiser.

You like collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can as well as hanging around with people you trust and helping people.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Punishment: You dislike struggling to overcome seemingly impossible challenges, and repeating the same task over and over again.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Achiever: 19
Socialiser: 14
Seeker: 12
Survivor: 10
Mastermind: 9
Daredevil: 6
Conqueror: 0

Já esperava por isso.

Última edição por Sir Bakujirou S. em Qui 23 Set 2010 - 1:38, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : editado)

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. HokOmTd

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. NQUBRsR

Masculino Idade : 27
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Data de inscrição : 27/06/2010

Frase pessoal : A noir. E blanc. I rouge. U vert. O bleu.

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Mensagem por Condemner4000 Qua 22 Set 2010 - 17:34

Acho que é ok isso né :3

Your BrainHex Class is Daredevil.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Daredevil-Mastermind.

You like rushing around at heights or high speed while you are still in control as well as solving puzzles and devising strategies.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Daredevil: 19
Mastermind: 16
Socialiser: 12
Conqueror: 12
Seeker: 7
Achiever: 5
Survivor: 3

Última edição por Sir Bakujirou S. em Qui 23 Set 2010 - 1:37, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : editado)

Masculino Idade : 29
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Data de inscrição : 04/09/2009

Frase pessoal : umas coisa louca né

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Mensagem por Guilherme Totoli Qua 22 Set 2010 - 21:23

Sua classe é BrainHex Mastermind.
Seu BrainHex sub-classe é Mastermind-Conqueror.

Você gosta de resolver enigmas e elaboração de estratégias, bem como derrotar os inimigos incrivelmente difícil, lutando até que, eventualmente, conseguir a vitória e bater os outros jogadores.

De acordo com os resultados, existem algumas experiências de jogo que você não gosta fortemente.

Saiba mais sobre suas aulas e as excepções no BrainHex.com.

Sua pontuação para cada uma das classes no presente ensaio foram os seguintes:

Mastermind: 17
Conquistador: 16
Empreendedor: 15
Daredevil: 10
Survivor: 7
Socialiser: 6
Seeker: 6

Última edição por Sir Bakujirou S. em Qui 23 Set 2010 - 1:35, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : editado)
Guilherme Totoli
Guilherme Totoli

Masculino Idade : 33
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Data de inscrição : 21/08/2010

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Mensagem por Bakujirou Qui 23 Set 2010 - 1:10


Your BrainHex Class is Seeker.

Your BrainHex Class Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Seeker-Achiever.

You like finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things as well as collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Seeker: 19
Achiever: 18
Daredevil: 12
Mastermind: 12
Conqueror: 11
Socialiser: 7
Survivor: 2

Gostei do símbolo... vou guardar pra mim e vou colocar na signature...


Heir of Life

Concurso participem! / Fic / One-Shots / indico uma fic que resgatei / indico Fic de meu amigo

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. G0VGwQ3
set by ~elazul


Masculino Idade : 36
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Data de inscrição : 12/02/2009

Frase pessoal : ~"You are my lucky charm"


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Mensagem por Mineral_Treiner Qui 23 Set 2010 - 18:53

Your BrainHex Class is Achiever.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Achiever-Seeker.

You like collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can as well as finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Fear: You do not enjoy feeling afraid, preferring to feel safe or in control.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Achiever: 18
Seeker: 13
Mastermind: 12
Conqueror: 12
Daredevil: 10
Socialiser: 2
Survivor: 1

Go to BrainHex.com to learn more about this player model, and the neurobiological research behind it.



Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Mdbar

Masculino Idade : 26
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Data de inscrição : 02/01/2009

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Mensagem por Dark_Absol Qui 23 Set 2010 - 19:06

Your BrainHex Class is Socialiser.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Socialiser-Achiever.

You like hanging around with people you trust and helping people as well as collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Socialiser: 19
Achiever: 16
Seeker: 13
Conqueror: 12
Survivor: 10
Mastermind: 4
Daredevil: 3

Talvez isso explique porque gosto de jogar jogos de luta '-'

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Wopdw8x

Friend Codes:
News Editor
News Editor

Masculino Idade : 27
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Data de inscrição : 15/05/2010

Frase pessoal : Olet tuhlannut aikaasi kääntämisestä, ystävä.

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Mensagem por Fredgrotle Qui 23 Set 2010 - 22:12

Your BrainHex Class is Achiever.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Achiever-Conqueror.
You like collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can as well as defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players.
According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.
Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows: Achiever: 18
Conqueror: 16
Daredevil: 13
Mastermind: 9
Seeker: 9
Socialiser: 8
Survivor: 5
Teve umas perguntas na primeira pagina que não entendi'-'



Masculino Idade : 25
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Data de inscrição : 04/10/2009

Frase pessoal : Mate o pato,mate o pato! -QQQ

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Mensagem por Joalsses Qui 23 Set 2010 - 22:40

olha o meu resultado:
Your BrainHex Class is Seeker.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Seeker-Mastermind.

You like finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things as well as solving puzzles and devising strategies.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Seeker: 18
Mastermind: 14
Conqueror: 14
Daredevil: 12
Survivor: 8
Socialiser: 8
Achiever: 8
meh,deu mais ou menos com a verdade X3


Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. 175

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Versionnew
Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. HqbarfDescubra seu "tipo" gamer. DeviantartyxDescubra seu "tipo" gamer. Twitter264

Masculino Idade : 28
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Data de inscrição : 15/08/2009

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Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Empty Re: Descubra seu "tipo" gamer.

Mensagem por Jpeg Sex 24 Set 2010 - 19:24

Your BrainHex Class is Daredevil.

Your BrainHex Class Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Daredevil-Seeker.

You like rushing around at heights or high speed while you are still in control as well as finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Fear: You do not enjoy feeling afraid, preferring to feel safe or in control.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Daredevil: 19
Seeker: 14
Socialiser: 13
Mastermind: 10
Achiever: 9
Conqueror: 7
Survivor: -2

Eu sou um ... Daredevil-Seeker ? Legal ...

Masculino Idade : 28
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Data de inscrição : 17/07/2008

Frase pessoal : ... O rly ?

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Mensagem por marcos-zx Seg 29 Nov 2010 - 18:57

Your BrainHex Class is Seeker.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Seeker-Conqueror.

You like finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things as well as defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Pressure: You dislike being asked to perform under pressure, preferring to take your time so you can make the right decision.
» No Fear: You do not enjoy feeling afraid, preferring to feel safe or in control.
Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Seeker: 17
Conqueror: 16
Mastermind: 15
Achiever: 13
Socialiser: 5
Daredevil: 0
Survivor: -1

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Clackot_sprite_by_marcos_zx-d5t1cra
Clackot used Time Shift!

Masculino Idade : 26
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Data de inscrição : 26/09/2010

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Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Empty Re: Descubra seu "tipo" gamer.

Mensagem por Lux. Seg 29 Nov 2010 - 20:45

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. AchieverConqueror

Your BrainHex Class is Achiever.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Achiever-Conqueror.

You like collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can as well as defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Fear: You do not enjoy feeling afraid, preferring to feel safe or in control.
» No Mercy: You rarely if ever care about hurting other players' feelings - mercy is for the weak!
Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Achiever: 18
Conqueror: 15
Daredevil: 11
Mastermind: 10
Seeker: 10
Survivor: 0
Socialiser: -2

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Ppim
"Como a luz destas velas ilumina esta sala capitular, possa sua luz brilhar diante dos homens."


Masculino Idade : 27
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Data de inscrição : 24/07/2009

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Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Empty Re: Descubra seu "tipo" gamer.

Mensagem por Vanilla Ter 30 Nov 2010 - 17:30

Your BrainHex Class is Mastermind.

Your BrainHex Class Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Mastermind-Achiever.

You like solving puzzles and devising strategies as well as collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Mastermind: 15
Achiever: 14
Seeker: 13
Socialiser: 10
Conqueror: 10
Daredevil: 4
Survivor: 4

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Sailormoon

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. 1365278Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. 1365283

Feminino Idade : 27
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Data de inscrição : 03/10/2009

Frase pessoal : The cake is a lie.

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Mensagem por Yoshihime Ter 30 Nov 2010 - 18:04

Your BrainHex Class is Achiever.

Your BrainHex Class Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Achiever-Conqueror.

You like collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can as well as defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Achiever: 18
Conqueror: 16
Mastermind: 13
Seeker: 13
Daredevil: 8
Survivor: 3
Socialiser: 3

Última edição por Guillerjo em Ter 30 Nov 2010 - 21:28, editado 1 vez(es)

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Tumblr_mz6hhr7n6Q1rl727go1_500
presente do slip

Feminino Idade : 28
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Data de inscrição : 05/09/2009

Frase pessoal : Oi, sou travesti. Você sabe?

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Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Empty Re: Descubra seu "tipo" gamer.

Mensagem por Mega_Regis Ter 30 Nov 2010 - 18:53

O meu:

Your BrainHex Class is Conqueror.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Conqueror-Achiever.

You like defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players as well as collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Conqueror: 19
Achiever: 14
Mastermind: 14
Seeker: 11
Daredevil: 10
Socialiser: 7
Survivor: 3

Descubra seu "tipo" gamer. Cobrasign Vlw Kyun

Passei um tempo sem entrar no fórum, mas voltei. ^^

Masculino Idade : 28
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Data de inscrição : 11/04/2010

Frase pessoal : To de volta...

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Mensagem por Conteúdo patrocinado

Conteúdo patrocinado

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